Featured Antique Furniture Vendors

Tocce – Booths F11 and WF6

At vendor booths F11 and WF6, Tocce began selling their antiques and collectibles back when American Classics Marketplace first opened in 2001! They chose American Classics Marketplace all those years ago because it is the best antique mall in Colorado and has provided them great sales over the years. Tocce’s beautiful antiques and collectibles all have a unique story which helps them to stand out amongst the crowd. If you are looking for a variety of unique items, check out Tocce’s booths (F11, WF6) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Featured Furniture Vendors - Shana - B10

Shana – Booth B10

Shana began refinishing wood furniture pieces in 1986 but made the shift to painting furniture around 6 years ago. She loves refinishing and repurposing antique furniture because it is a great way to utilize her creative outlet while also breathing new life into old pieces. She began selling her products at American Classics Marketplace in 2015 and has never looked back! She chose ACM because of its affordable vendor prices and great foot traffic. If you are looking for beautifully restored furniture pieces, stop by Shana’s booth, the French Vintage Market (B10), at American Classics Marketplace today!

Featured Furniture Vendors - Randy & Phyllis - H15

Randy & Phyllis – Booth H15

Randy & Phyllis began buying and selling antiques together since the 1980s. Their passion is reconditioning antique furniture, and find enjoyment knowing that these items will live on to find new homes. They began selling their antique furniture at American Classics Marketplace the same year it opened because they just knew it would be a great place to sell. Over the years they have seen great success selling their reconditioned furniture at ACM, and love working with the staff and customers. If you are looking for quality reconditioned antique furniture pieces, check out Randy & Phyllis’ booth (H15) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Karen & Jim – Booth WB9

Karen & Jim have been buying and selling antiques for over 40 years now. They previously owned an auction business and moved to ACM almost 15 years ago to continue that passion. Karen & Jim pride themselves on having clean, beautiful, and completely functional items for buyers to enjoy. They specifically enjoy finding and selling unique furniture. If you are interested in clean and unique antique furniture, stop on by Karen & Jim’s booth (WB9) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Cindey – Booth F3 and WH2

Cindey began her passion for antique furniture back in 2017 when she would sell products on Ebay and run Estate Sales for other clients. Although she enjoyed both those avenues of collecting and selling, she decided to stay more local and opened up a booth in ACM in 2018. She loves ACM because of the great location and room for inventory. Since moving to ACM she as been pleased with the level of service the staff provides and the amazing loading and unloading area. Specifically, her favorite items to buy and sell are vintage and electric antique furniture because she loves restoring something beautiful and sharing the history with the new owner. If you are interested in stunning antique furniture pieces, stop on by Cindey’s booths (F3 & WH2) at American Classics Marketplace today!