Featured Antiques Vendors

Featured Furniture Vendor - Darlene - C29 C30 C43

Darlene – Booths C29, C30, and C43

Darlene started by selling her handmade items at home and craft shows with her mother in 1986! After great success, she opened up a shop in Old Colorado City for many years. Once Malls and Antique Malls became popular, she closed the shop and moved over to selling her beautiful crafts and antiques in Malls. Being at a mall allowed her more time with her family, while also letting her do what she loves: selling handmade and vintage antiques. However, after trying multiple antique malls in the area and not being satisfied, Darlene finally landed on American Classics Marketplace and was hooked! She loves ACM and appreciates how well her products display and sell in our antique mall. If you are looking for a variety of quality handmade and beautiful products, check out Darlene’s booths (C29, C30, C43) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Brad – Booth A16

Brad began selling his antiques in 2016 as an effort to reduce his own personal collection. Once he began selling though, he became hooked! He loves finding unique items from a previous era and repurposing them for others to use in daily life. Brad loves selling his unique items at American Classics Marketplace because of the great location and traffic. He enjoys knowing that his products are being sold to people that share his passion. If you are interested in extremely unique and beautiful antique pieces, stop by Brad’s booth (A16) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Colleen – Booth B22 C27 Cb22

Colleen has been collecting and selling antique furniture pieces and gifts for over 20 years. She started this passion of collecting when she would decorate her flower shop and then expanded the passion as she began doing floral shows. She loves finding and selling unusual antiques because it allows her to do what she loves and give the products new life. If you are interested in unique and beautiful furniture or collectibles, stop by Colleen’s booths (B22 C27 Cb22) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Jessica Modeer - Featured Antiques Vendor - JM0D WJ7

Jessica – Booths JM0D and WJ7

Jessica originally began selling vintage jewelry and clothing in a vintage and costume store back in 1997. She loves vintage jewelry and clothing because each piece has history and she loves sharing that history with the new owners. She has only been selling at American Classics Marketplace for about a year, but loves that the store is so busy and generates great sales! If you are interested in well-priced unique jewelry or vintage clothing, stop by Jessica’s booths (JM0D WJ7) at American Classics Marketplace today!