Featured Collectible Vendors

Rockit Gems and Minerals

Rockit Gems and Minerals have been selling their products at American Classic Marketplace since 2012. With a family rooted in all things geology, all family vacations were spent out in the field rock hunting for a priceless treasure, and that passion carried into their adult lives. With that passion for geology, they knew that the natural beauty of the earth in the form of rocks and geodes would be perfect for those on the hunt for a special gift. They decided to rent a booth after seeing a high demand for unique gifts and beautiful collectibles. Rockit Gems and Minerals chose to have their booth at American Classics Marketplace due to ACM’s amazing reputation of winning “The Best of” awards from the Gazette, and its convenient location. Rockit Gems has long-term relationships with their buyers and is sure to have what you are looking for for a great price, so if you are wanting the perfectly unique collectible, stop on by the Rockit Gems booth at American Classics Marketplace today!

Featured Collectible Vendor - Joan - H29

Joan – Booths H29 and KJS

Joan’s passion for antiques began when she was young, as both her mother and father we avid antique collectors and sellers. As Joan grew up her love of antiques always remained, and she decided to begin collecting and selling her own 19 years ago. She is specifically passionate about American, British & Native American antiques and collectibles because she loves learning about each piece’s history and helping to preserve American History through the pieces, she collects and sells. Joan decided to sell her items at American Classics Marketplace 19 years ago because the facility is beautiful, it helps business efficiencies and provides professionalism and honesty. If you are interested in looking at Joan’s beautiful pieces of history, stop on by her booths (H29 KJS) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Alan – Booth A23

Alan is a lifelong learner and loves to travel the world for business and to soak up as much information as he can. His passion for antiques and collectibles started in 1986 because he had massed such a large and extensive collection of books over time, that he wanted (and had to) begin finding them, new owners. Alan’s selection of products has since expanded over time to include a variety of one of a kind, rare, and unique items you won’t find anywhere else! He is one of the original vendors at American Classics Marketplace as he has been displaying his products since our opening day. He loves ACM because it has a great location and allows him to browse other vendors’ selections for his own personal collection. If you are interested in shopping Alan’s books and other unique items, stop on by his booth (A23) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Featured Collectible Vendor - Kenneth - A2 A19

Kenneth – Booth A2 and A19

Around 30 years ago, Kenneth retired from the military and decided he wanted to work for himself. He had previously been stationed in England and had collected a wide variety of items that he thought others might find interesting. He began selling his unusual and unique antiques and has been collecting and selling ever since! He first began selling his collectibles at American Classics Marketplace right when the store opened. He loves the layout of ACM and is always appreciative of the friendly staff. If you are looking for quality, unusual, and unique collectibles, stop by Kenneth’s booths (A2 and A19) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Featured Collectible Vendors

Jan & Gary – Booths F200, G4, J007, WJ2, WJ3

Jan & Gary began selling their antique collectibles on Craigslist, but officially made the move to American Classics Marketplace in 2018. Their passion is collecting and selling antique pieces that are bright, beautiful, practical, vintage, and most importantly… FUN! They love the idea that these fun unique collectibles are being shared with new owners. Their favorite thing about selling at ACM is the friendly staff that are always willing to help. If you are interested in fun and unique collectibles, stop by Jan & Gary’s booths (F200, G4, J007, WJ2, WJ3) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Featured Collectible Vendors

Mike – Case 615

Mike began selling his antique Pokemon cards & Japanese collectibles back in the 90’s. He then took a brief hiatus from collecting and selling, but regained his passion in 2018. His passion is Pokemon collectibles, cards and other Japanese collectibles but is always excited to buy and sell whatever else peaks his personal interest. Mike’s favorite thing about selling at ACM is the location in the middle of Colorado Springs. He feels strongly that the location is what helps his overall sales. If you are interested in fun and unique collectibles and memorabilia, stop by Mike’s case (615) at American Classics Marketplace today!

David & Brandy - Featured Collectible Vendors - WA9

David & Brandy – Booth WA9 & Case 113M

David & Brandy began selling their unique comics, games, and toy collectibles almost 10 years ago. It originally began as a part time hobby, but then turned into a full-time business for them in 2017. They both have been collectors for many years but wanted to share their passion to others by selling high quality collectibles. David & Brandy’s favorite thing about selling at ACM is the location in the middle of Colorado Springs, which generates great traffic, and how large of an antique mall it is. If you are interested in fun and unique collectibles such as comics and games, stop by David & Brandy’s booth and case (WA9 113M) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Ellen Baucher - Featured Collectibles Vendor - A100

Ellen – Booth A100

Ellen’s passion for antiques came from her Grandmother who had been an antique collector and dealer for her whole life. Ellen began her own personal collection almost 2 years ago and prides herself on the quality of her pieces. Her favorite items to collect and sell are vintage linens that she works with to ensure they are clean and as new quality as possible. She loves how she can restore the beauty to something vintage and delicate, then share it with a new owner. Ellen decided to sell her unique linens at American Classics 16 years ago and loves that it generates so much traffic. If you are interested in fun and beautiful linens and other vintage collectibles, stop by Ellen’s booth (A100) at American Classics Marketplace today!

Christel Hensley - Booths H17 1CH

Christel – Booths H17 and 1CH

Christel’s passion for antiques has basically been lifelong. She herself has been collecting for over 30 years but the passion originally started when her parents had a booth back when she was a child. Christel loves the thrill of hunting for the perfect collectible item to sell and enjoys passing those items onto new owners. She specifically began selling at American Classics Marketplace for almost 10 years! She chose ACM because to the proximity to her home and that she liked how much traffic it received. If you are interested in fun and unique collectibles, stop on by Christel’s booths (H17 1CH) at American Classics Marketplace today!